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We Begin:

Good day my TeaLifers to be,

Today is the first day that we are officially taking to the Bolg. So cool! This is a new thing for us we are usually fairly easy going people with the use of tech reaching its plateau at our smart TV. Sharing our thoughts with others and being in front of a camera are things we never thought we'd be doing as part of our lives. So far we have found it very enjoyable and look forward to the participation of many people within this forming community. So we take this time to thank everyone that has taken the time, is taking the or that will take the time to delight with us. Thank you for sharing and enjoying everything available with us.

Now, We begin things by sharing this mornings experience:

Waking up after a very restless sleep, I found that after my shower I was in need of something clean and refreshing with a sense of richness to it. There was a need to deviate from normal daily blend and embark on something I don't usually partake of. Sitting gazing at the hypnotizing amount of tea and herbs in front of me as I do every morning, I began to literally taste the various teas and blends as my eyes scrolled over each label. As my taste buds began to kick into overdrive, my mouth begins to water and by the time i was to the last of them I was literally salivating to a point of nearly drooling. The crazy thing is I still could not make up my mind as to what I was craving. Normally this is an easy decision, I have an everyday blend that has a little bit of everything I love in it from health benefits to flavor favorites. Any other day its smooth sailing. Not sure if it was the flow of energy or the restless sleep but I just needed something different but was unable to figure out what it is. After seven minutes of staring at everything I began to favor a bold Moroccan, with a thought to lighten it up with some fresh catnip or lemongrass. As the thought fleets and my gaze is lead to the lovely soft yellow flower and the wonderful aroma of chamomile fills my nose. I am teased by the Shu Mee (white) that I haven't had in awhile in the corner peeking at me from behind a couple other white teas that are regular favs. Realizing that I had some freshly dehydrated ginger from a couple days ago I grab both thinking I had what I needed to satisfy the insatiable craving. Upon grabbing the ginger out of the cupboard low and behold what do I see? Some lemon bits, oh boy this was going to be a treat! Well needless to say this all came together in a very beautiful way. A very light and full bodied flavor, great aftertones with a soft bitterness that just rumbles around on your tastebuds. I added a sliver of fresh ginger and a few crystals or raw sugar with a pinch of citric acid to finish it off. Folks I tell you no lie, this is a new favorite! Sharing this with you has been a delight and we look forward to hearing about your experiences. Here is a look at this mornings beautiful blend...... Enjoy!

Shu Mee, Chamomile, Lemon and Ginger

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Good day Tea Lifers, Take the time to enjoy your family, friends and your cup of tea. Happy thanksgiving!

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